I have been running this web site and email service for friends and family members. I included a few work related items for personal convenience. Adding a post to the blog is totally automated and as easy as sending an email from your phone or computer. Let me know if you would like to post your own stuff like pictures, news, links, and I'll give you the address that allows you to make automated posts.
Several folks with this last name SKIMMING have been using the email forwarding service for more than ten years. I would be happy to establish an alias such as "your name"@skimming.com that forwards to your personal email. This is especially nice for people with this last name. Just send me your preferred alias and your email address (if it is different from the return address in the email message) and I'll set it up for you.
Let me know if you have suggestions for how to improve the site by writing to me at jeff@skimming.com. Thanks for stopping by!